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Alarming & Notification
Receive critical notifications quickly while eleminating nuisance alarms
Alarms and notifications are color coded so operators can quickly recognize what items need attention.
Red - Indicates a new alarm
Blue - Indicates a new event
Green - Returned to normal, but not acknowledged
Yellow - Acknowledged, but still in alarm
Included with each event is a timestamp of when the incident originally occurred, the timestamp of the last event (acknowledge or return to normal), and the number of times that each tag has toggled between alarm and normal states. This event counter is a unique feature designed to provide the feedback needed for identifying and eliminating false and nuisance alarms. Additionally, all alarms are logged to the server in the order they are received. This alarm history can be later reviewed to determine the chronological sequence of events that occurred.
To further facilitate the notification of operators, the application allows alarms to be emailed or sent by text directly to individuals assigned to take corrective action. Every tag in the system can be assigned to an alarm group, and every user in the system can be set to receive notifications from any or all of these groups. This allows notifications to be sent directly to the individual assigned to take corrective action.